Source code for archivant.archivant

import os
from numbers import Integral
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch import NotFoundError
from uuid import uuid4
from fsdb import Fsdb
from fsdb.hashtools import calc_file_digest, calc_digest
from copy import deepcopy
from urlparse import urlparse
from json import dumps

from libreantdb import DB
from exceptions import NotFoundException, FileOpNotSupported

from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger('archivant')

[docs]class Archivant(): ''' Implementation of a Data Access Layer Archivant handles both an fsdb instance and a libreantdb one and exposes an high-level API to operate on 'volumes'. A 'volume' represents a physical/digital object stored within archivant. Volumes are structured as described in :meth:`~Archivant.normalize_volume`; shortly, they have language, metadata and attachments. An attachment is an URL plus some metadata. If you won't configure the FSDB_PATH parameter, fsdb will not be initialized and archivant will start in metadata-only mode. In metdata-only mode all file related functions will raise FileOpNotSupported. ''' def __init__(self, conf={}): defaults = { 'FSDB_PATH': None, 'ES_HOSTS': None, 'ES_INDEXNAME': None } defaults.update(conf) self._config = defaults log.debug('initializing with this config: ' + dumps(self._config)) # initialize fsdb if self._config['FSDB_PATH']: self.__fsdb = Fsdb(self._config['FSDB_PATH']) else: log.warning('It has not been set any value for FSDB_PATH, file operations will not be supported') # initialize elasticsearch if not self._config['ES_INDEXNAME']: raise ValueError('ES_INDEXNAME cannot be empty') self.__db = None @property def _db(self): if self.__db is None: db = DB(Elasticsearch(hosts=self._config['ES_HOSTS']), index_name=self._config['ES_INDEXNAME']) db.setup_db() self.__db = db return self.__db @property def _fsdb(self): try: return self.__fsdb except AttributeError: raise FileOpNotSupported("FSDB_PATH paramenter has not been set")
[docs] def is_file_op_supported(self): try: self._fsdb except FileOpNotSupported: return False else: return True
[docs] def normalize_volume(volume): '''convert volume metadata from es to archivant format This function makes side effect on input volume output example:: { 'id': 'AU0paPZOMZchuDv1iDv8', 'type': 'volume', 'metadata': {'_language': 'en', 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2', 'key3': 'value3'}, 'attachments': [{'id': 'a910e1kjdo2d192d1dko1p2kd1209d', 'type' : 'attachment', 'url': 'fsdb:///624bffa8a6f90813b7982d0e5b4c1475ebec40e3', 'metadata': {'download_count': 0, 'mime': 'application/json', 'name': 'tmp9fyat_', 'notes': 'this file is awsome', 'sha1': '624bffa8a6f90813b7982d0e5b4c1475ebec40e3', 'size': 10} }] } ''' res = dict() res['type'] = 'volume' res['id'] = volume['_id'] if '_score' in volume: res['score'] = volume['_score'] source = volume['_source'] attachments = source['_attachments'] del(source['_attachments']) del(source['_text_' + source['_language']]) res['metadata'] = source atts = list() for attachment in attachments: atts.append(Archivant.normalize_attachment(attachment)) res['attachments'] = atts return res
[docs] def normalize_attachment(attachment): ''' Convert attachment metadata from es to archivant format This function makes side effect on input attachment ''' res = dict() res['type'] = 'attachment' res['id'] = attachment['id'] del(attachment['id']) res['url'] = attachment['url'] del(attachment['url']) res['metadata'] = attachment return res
[docs] def denormalize_volume(volume): '''convert volume metadata from archivant to es format''' id = volume['id'] res = dict() res.update(volume['metadata']) denorm_attachments = list() for a in volume['attachments']: denorm_attachments.append(Archivant.denormalize_attachment(a)) res['_attachments'] = denorm_attachments return id, res
[docs] def denormalize_attachment(attachment): '''convert attachment metadata from archivant to es format''' res = dict() ext = ['id', 'url'] for k in ext: if k in attachment['metadata']: raise ValueError("metadata section could not contain special key '{}'".format(k)) res[k] = attachment[k] res.update(attachment['metadata']) return res
def _req_raw_volume(self, volumeID): try: return self._db.get_book_by_id(volumeID) except NotFoundError: raise NotFoundException("could not found volume with id: '{}'".format(volumeID))
[docs] def get_all_volumes(self): '''iterate over all stored volumes''' for raw_volume in self._db.iterate_all(): yield self.normalize_volume(raw_volume)
[docs] def get_volume(self, volumeID): log.debug("Requested volume with id:'{}'".format(volumeID)) return Archivant.normalize_volume(self._req_raw_volume(volumeID))
[docs] def get_attachment(self, volumeID, attachmentID): log.debug("Requested attachment '{}' of the volume '{}'".format(attachmentID, volumeID)) rawVolume = self._req_raw_volume(volumeID) for rawAttachment in rawVolume['_source']['_attachments']: if rawAttachment['id'] == attachmentID: return Archivant.normalize_attachment(rawAttachment) raise NotFoundException("could not found attachment '{}' of the volume '{}'".format(attachmentID, volumeID))
[docs] def get_file(self, volumeID, attachmentID): log.debug("Requested file associated with attachment '{}' of the volume '{}'".format(attachmentID, volumeID)) attachment = self.get_attachment(volumeID, attachmentID) return self._resolve_url(attachment['url'])
[docs] def delete_attachments(self, volumeID, attachmentsID): ''' delete attachments from a volume ''' log.debug("deleting attachments from volume '{}': {}".format(volumeID, attachmentsID)) rawVolume = self._req_raw_volume(volumeID) insID = [a['id'] for a in rawVolume['_source']['_attachments']] # check that all requested file are present for id in attachmentsID: if id not in insID: raise NotFoundException("could not found attachment '{}' of the volume '{}'".format(id, volumeID)) for index, id in enumerate(attachmentsID): rawVolume['_source']['_attachments'].pop(insID.index(id)) self._db.modify_book(volumeID, rawVolume['_source'], version=rawVolume['_version'])
[docs] def delete_volume(self, volumeID): log.debug("Deleting volume: '{}'".format(volumeID)) try: self._db.delete_book(volumeID) except NotFoundError: raise NotFoundException("could not found volume with id: '{}'".format(volumeID))
[docs] def insert_attachments(self, volumeID, attachments): ''' add attachments to an already existing volume ''' log.debug("adding new attachments to volume '{}': {}".format(volumeID, attachments)) if not attachments: return rawVolume = self._req_raw_volume(volumeID) attsID = list() for index, a in enumerate(attachments): try: rawAttachment = self._assemble_attachment(a['file'], a) rawVolume['_source']['_attachments'].append(rawAttachment) attsID.append(rawAttachment['id']) except: log.exception("Error while elaborating attachments array at index: {}".format(index)) raise self._db.modify_book(volumeID, rawVolume['_source'], version=rawVolume['_version']) return attsID
[docs] def insert_volume(self, metadata, attachments=[]): '''Insert a new volume Returns the ID of the added volume `metadata` must be a dict containg metadata of the volume:: { "_language" : "it", # language of the metadata "key1" : "value1", # attribute "key2" : "value2", ... "keyN" : "valueN" } The only required key is `_language` `attachments` must be an array of dict:: { "file" : "/prova/una/path/a/caso" # path or fp "name" : "nome_buffo.ext" # name of the file (extension included) [optional if a path was given] "mime" : "application/json" # mime type of the file [optional] "notes" : "this file is awesome" # notes that will be attached to this file [optional] } ''' log.debug("adding new volume:\n\tdata: {}\n\tfiles: {}".format(metadata, attachments)) requiredFields = ['_language'] for requiredField in requiredFields: if requiredField not in metadata: raise KeyError("Required field '{}' is missing".format(requiredField)) volume = deepcopy(metadata) attsData = [] for index, a in enumerate(attachments): try: attData = self._assemble_attachment(a['file'], a) attsData.append(attData) except: log.exception("Error while elaborating attachments array at index: {}".format(index)) raise volume['_attachments'] = attsData log.debug('constructed volume for insertion: {}'.format(volume)) addedVolume = self._db.add_book(body=volume) log.debug("added new volume: '{}'".format(addedVolume['_id'])) return addedVolume['_id']
def _assemble_attachment(self, file, metadata): ''' store file and return a dict containing assembled metadata param `file` must be a path or a File Object param `metadata` must be a dict: { "name" : "nome_buffo.ext" # name of the file (extension included) [optional if a path was given] "mime" : "application/json" # mime type of the file [optional] "notes" : "this file is awesome" # notes about this file [optional] } ''' res = dict() if isinstance(file, basestring) and os.path.isfile(file): res['name'] = metadata['name'] if 'name' in metadata else os.path.basename(file) res['size'] = os.path.getsize(file) res['sha1'] = calc_file_digest(file, algorithm="sha1") elif hasattr(file, 'read') and hasattr(file, 'seek'): if 'name' in metadata and metadata['name']: res['name'] = metadata['name'] elif hasattr(file, 'name'): file['name'] = else: raise ValueError("Could not assign a name to the file") old_position = file.tell(), os.SEEK_END) res['size'] = file.tell() - old_position, os.SEEK_SET) res['sha1'] = calc_digest(file, algorithm="sha1"), os.SEEK_SET) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported file value type: {}".format(type(file))) res['id'] = uuid4().hex res['mime'] = metadata['mime'] if 'mime' in metadata else None res['notes'] = metadata['notes'] if 'notes' in metadata else "" res['download_count'] = 0 fsdb_id = self._fsdb.add(file) res['url'] = "fsdb:///" + fsdb_id return res
[docs] def update_volume(self, volumeID, metadata): '''update existing volume metadata the given metadata will substitute the old one ''' log.debug('updating volume metadata: {}'.format(volumeID)) rawVolume = self._req_raw_volume(volumeID) normalized = self.normalize_volume(rawVolume) normalized['metadata'] = metadata _, newRawVolume = self.denormalize_volume(normalized) self._db.modify_book(volumeID, newRawVolume)
[docs] def update_attachment(self, volumeID, attachmentID, metadata): '''update an existing attachment the given metadata dict will be merged with the old one. only the following fields could be updated: [name, mime, notes, download_count] ''' log.debug('updating metadata of attachment {} from volume {}'.format(attachmentID, volumeID)) modifiable_fields = ['name', 'mime', 'notes', 'download_count'] for k in metadata.keys(): if k not in modifiable_fields: raise ValueError('Not modifiable field given: {}'.format(k)) if 'name' in metadata and not isinstance(metadata['name'], basestring): raise ValueError("'name' must be a string") if 'mime' in metadata and not isinstance(metadata['mime'], basestring): raise ValueError("'mime' must be a string") if 'notes' in metadata and not isinstance(metadata['notes'], basestring): raise ValueError("'notes' must be a string") if 'download_count' in metadata and not isinstance(metadata['download_count'], Integral): raise ValueError("'download_count' must be a number") rawVolume = self._req_raw_volume(volumeID) for attachment in rawVolume['_source']['_attachments']: if attachment['id'] == attachmentID: attachment.update(metadata) self._db.modify_book(volumeID, rawVolume['_source'], rawVolume['_version']) return raise NotFoundException('Could not found attachment with id {} in volume {}'.format(attachmentID, volumeID))
def _resolve_url(self, url): parseResult = urlparse(url) if parseResult.scheme == "fsdb": return self._fsdb[os.path.basename(parseResult.path)] else: raise Exception("url scheme '{}' not supported".format(parseResult.scheme))
[docs] def dangling_files(self): '''iterate over fsdb files no more attached to any volume''' for fid in self._fsdb: if not self._db.file_is_attached('fsdb:///' + fid): yield fid
[docs] def shrink_local_fsdb(self, dangling=True, corrupted=True, dryrun=False): '''shrink local fsdb by removing dangling and/or corrupted files return number of deleted files ''' log.debug('shrinking local fsdb [danglings={}, corrupted={}]'.format(dangling, corrupted)) count = 0 if dangling: for fid in self.dangling_files():"shrinking: removing dangling '{}'".format(fid)) if not dryrun: self._fsdb.remove(fid) count += 1 if corrupted: for fid in self._fsdb.corrupted():"shrinking: removing corrupted '{}'".format(fid)) if not dryrun: self._fsdb.remove(fid) count += 1 return count