Source code for users.models

import re
from peewee import PrimaryKeyField, CharField, ForeignKeyField, IntegerField,\
    Model, Proxy, CompositeKey
from playhouse.fields import ManyToManyField
import users

# Create a proxy to DB that can
# be instantiated at runtime
db_proxy = Proxy()

GroupToCapabilityProxy = Proxy()
UserToGroupProxy = Proxy()

[docs]class ActionField(IntegerField): db_field = 'action'
[docs] def db_value(self, value): return value
[docs] def python_value(self, value): return Action(value)
[docs]class BaseModel(Model): class Meta: database = db_proxy # Use proxy for our DB.
[docs] def to_dict(self): return dict(
[docs]class Capability(BaseModel): """ Capability model A capability is composed by a :attr:`domain` and an :attr:`action`. It represent the possibility to perform a specific set of actions on the resources described by the domain .. py:attribute:: domain is a regular expression that describe all the resources involved in the capability. You can use :func:`simToReg` and :func:`regToSim` utility function to easily manipulate domain regular expressions. .. py:attribute:: action an :class:`~users.models.ActionField` *what* can be done on :attr:`domain` """ id = PrimaryKeyField() domain = CharField() action = ActionField() class Meta: indexes = ((('domain', 'action'), False),)
[docs] def to_dict(self): return dict(, domain=self.regToSim(self.domain), action=self.action.to_list())
[docs] def simToReg(self, sim): """Convert simplified domain expression to regular expression""" # remove initial slash if present res = re.sub('^/', '', sim) res = re.sub('/$', '', res) return '^/?' + re.sub('\*', '[^/]+', res) + '/?$'
[docs] def regToSim(self, reg): """Convert regular expression to simplified domain expression""" return re.sub('\[\^/\]\+', '*', reg[3:-3])
[docs] def match_domain(self, dom): """Check if the given `dom` is included in this capability domain""" return bool(re.match(self.domain, dom))
[docs] def match_action(self, act): """Check if the given `act` is allowed from this capability""" return (self.action & act) == act
[docs] def match(self, dom, act): """ Check if the given `domain` and `act` are allowed by this capability """ return self.match_domain(dom) and self.match_action(act)
[docs]class Action(int): """Actions utiliy class You can use this class attributes to compose the actions bitmask:: bitmask = Action.CREATE | Action.DELETE The following actions are supported: - CREATE - READ - UPDATE - DELETE """ # the index of the action in the list correspond to the its position in the bitmask ACTIONS = ['CREATE', 'READ', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE'] def __new__(cls, bitmask): if bitmask >= 2**len(cls.ACTIONS): raise ValueError('bitmask %d is too big' % bitmask) return super(Action, cls).__new__(cls, bitmask)
[docs] def to_list(self): '''convert an actions bitmask into a list of action strings''' res = [] for a in self.__class__.ACTIONS: aBit = self.__class__.action_bitmask(a) if ((self & aBit) == aBit): res.append(a) return res
[docs] def from_list(cls, actions): '''convert list of actions into the corresponding bitmask''' bitmask = 0 for a in actions: bitmask |= cls.action_bitmask(a) return Action(bitmask)
[docs] def action_bitmask(cls, action): '''return the bitmask associated withe the given action name''' return 2**cls.ACTIONS.index(action.upper())
for i, act in enumerate(Action.ACTIONS): setattr(Action, act.upper(), 2**i)
[docs]class Group(BaseModel): """Group model A group has a set of capabilities and a number of users belonging to it. It's an handy way of grouping users with the same capability. """ id = PrimaryKeyField() name = CharField(unique=True) capabilities = ManyToManyField(Capability, related_name='groups', through_model=GroupToCapabilityProxy)
[docs] def to_dict(self): return dict(,
[docs] def can(self, domain, action): for cap in self.capabilities: if(cap.match(domain, action)): return True return False
[docs]class User(BaseModel): """User model""" id = PrimaryKeyField() name = CharField(unique=True) pwd_hash = CharField(max_length=255, null=True) groups = ManyToManyField(Group, related_name='users', through_model=UserToGroupProxy) def __init__(self, **kargs): super(User, self).__init__() if 'name' in kargs: = kargs['name'] if 'password' in kargs: self.set_password(kargs['password'])
[docs] def to_dict(self): return dict(,
[docs] def set_password(self, password): """set user password Generate random salt, derivate the given password using pbkdf2 algorith and store a summarizing string in :attr:`pwd_hash`. For hash format refer to `passlib documentation <>`_. """ self.pwd_hash = users.pwdCryptCtx.encrypt(password)
[docs] def verify_password(self, password): """Check if the given password is the same stored for this user""" return users.pwdCryptCtx.verify(password, self.pwd_hash)
@property def capabilities(self): return (Capability .select() .join(GroupToCapability).join(Group) .join(UserToGroup).join(User) .where( ==
[docs] def can(self, domain, action): """Can perform `action` on the given `domain`.""" for cap in self.capabilities: if(cap.match(domain, action)): return True return False
[docs]class GroupToCapability(BaseModel): group = ForeignKeyField(Group, on_delete='CASCADE') capability = ForeignKeyField(Capability, on_delete='CASCADE') class Meta: primary_key = CompositeKey('group', 'capability')
[docs]class UserToGroup(BaseModel): user = ForeignKeyField(User, on_delete='CASCADE') group = ForeignKeyField(Group, on_delete='CASCADE') class Meta: primary_key = CompositeKey('user', 'group')
GroupToCapabilityProxy.initialize(GroupToCapability) UserToGroupProxy.initialize(UserToGroup)