

Libreant is written in Python and uses Elasticsearch as the underlying search engine. In the follwoing sections there are the step-by-step guides to install Libreant on different linux-based operating system:

Debian & Ubuntu

System dependencies

Install Elasticsearch

The recommended way of installing Elasticsearch on debian-based distro is through the official APT repository.


If you have any problem installing elasticsearch try to follow the official deb installation guide

In order to follow the Elasticsearch installation steps we needs to install some common packages:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https wget gnupg ca-certificates

Download and install the Public Signing Key for elasticsearch repo:

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

Add elasticsearch repository:

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-6.x.list

And finally you can install the Elasticsearch package with:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless procps elasticsearch


The procps provides the ps command that is required by the elasticsearch startup script

Install Python

Libreant is going to be installed into a python virtual environment, thus we need to install it:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python2.7 virtualenv python-wheel

Install libreant

Create a virtual env:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2 ve

Install libreant and all python dependencies:

./ve/bin/pip install libreant


Install all necessary packages:

sudo pacman -Sy python2 python2-setuptools python2-virtualenv grep procps elasticsearch


The procps and grep packages are required by the elasticsearch startup script

Create a virtual env:

virtualenv2 -p /usr/bin/python2 ve

Install libreant and all python dependencies:

./ve/bin/pip install libreant


Start elasticsearch service:

sudo service elasticsearch start


If you want to automatically start elasticsearch during bootup:

sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch

To execute libreant:



Generally speaking, to upgrade libreant you just need to:

./ve/bin/pip install -U libreant

And restart your instance (see the Execution section).

Some versions, however, could need additional actions. We will list them all in this section.

Upgrade to version 0.5

libreant now supports elasticsearch 2. If you were already using libreant 0.4, you were using elasticsearch 1.x. You can continue using it if you want. The standard upgrade procedure is enough to have everything working. However, we suggest you to upgrade to elasticsearch2 sooner or later.

Step 1: stop libreant

For more info, see Execution; something like pkill libreant should do

Step 2: upgrade elasticsearch

Just apply the steps in Installation section as if it was a brand new installation.


If you are using archlinux, you’ve probably made pacman ignore elasticsearch package updates. In order to install the new elasticsearch version you must remove the IgnorePkg elasticsearch line in /etc/pacman.conf before trying to upgrade.

Step 3: upgrade DB contents

Libreant ships a tool that will take care of the upgrade. You can run it with ./ve/bin/libreant-db upgrade.

This tool will give you information on the current DB status and ask you for confirmation before proceding to real changes. Which means that you can run it without worries, you’re still in time for answering “no” if you change your mind.

The upgrade tool will ask you about converting entries to the new format, and upgrading the index mapping (in elasticsearch jargon, this is somewhat similar to what a TABLE SCHEMA is in SQL)